Baby Photography Jargon Explained………

……..Newborn and baby photography terminology in simple terms.

overhead picture of newborn baby with wrinkled forehead and open eyes

I wanted to explain to you just what all the jargon around newborn photography really means. I try hard to keep my website free of words most people wouldn’t recognise, but as you have more than likely arrived here while searching for a photographer for new baby you may well have come across some terms that you’re not familiar with. 

Words like newborn, sitter and posed shoots. To most non-photographers they will be confusing. Let me explain some of them to you.

newborn baby wrapped in a cocoon on a white blanket. Posed for a photoshoot

A maternity session or maternity photoshoot is used to describe the photography session of a woman during her pregnancy. These very typically take place between 28 and 38 weeks. They can be in your own home, outside or at your photographer’s studio. 

They can be in your own home, outside or at your photographer’s studio. You can include your partner and other children or fly solo and enjoy the experience on your own. Your bump will be the star of the show and the photographs will be your memento of just how amazing your baby is.

couple relaxing on a bed in a white modern bedroom. The woman is pregnant and they are both looking at her bump

Already I could have used some jargon that you might not be familiar with.

An At-Home-Session, is when your photographer comes to your home. This has the advantage that you don’t need to leave your house but the disadvantages are that not everyone’s home is suitable for photography, and therefore, your photographer will face extra challenges. It’s particularly difficult for a photographer to create the same style in different homes as the lighting and even the wall colours will make a huge difference. That’s why I only offer studio photography, so as I can create my signature Scandi-style, every time and you know what to expect.

A Location Session, is when you meet your photographer at a pre-arranged spot out side. It could be somewhere urban, at the beach, in the countryside or at a local park. This has the advantage of giving you a very distinct background to be photographed in. Unfortunately you can’t control the weather, (think wind, rain and strong sunlight).

A Studio Session, is when you and your family visit the photographer’s studio. This has so many advantages, the first one being that no one has to rely on the weather. Your photographer is in complete control of everything and can have as much as possible ready for when you arrive. It also means that there will be a comfortable space for you to sit while your baby is being photographed. It’s easier to entertain an older sibling in a studio, as most studios will have a few toys and snacks to keep them occupied. Mabel & Møøse is a studio based photographers. It’s a very calm space. Because I only photograph babies from birth to just over 1 year old and a few maternity clients, I can keep my studio free from clutter.

all white photography studio with beanbag and white bed

Props can be anything that your photographer uses to style the look of your photographs. These can range from very elaborate custom-built, sets to something much more simple. I use a very natural set-up : a white beanbag. Any small props that I use, are traditional wooden or soft toys that help to occupy your baby. I also use a Scandinavian style baby changing basket and of course, the famous Mabel & Møøse, moose. 

view from above. A baby lying in a baby changing basket

Newborn, when used by photographers, is usually describing a baby that is under 14 days old. This is supposedly the window of opportunity to get pictures of your baby when they are still curled up in a womb-like position, with their eyes tight shut and their skin covered in beautiful peachy-soft hair. I really consider babies up to around 10 weeks as newborns. What ever age your baby is, I will be able to create gorgeous photographs. I have had 3 day old babies who are stretching out their strong wee legs and looking all around taking everything in and I’ve had almost 3 month old babies who are sleepy heads and are still very curly. 

very tiny baby in parents hands. Viewed from above

Sitters. This term is used to describe a baby who can sit up unaided. It seems obvious when put like this but it’s a term that you might not have used before. It’s a fabulous stage to capture and so different to when your baby was little. They will be able to hold toys, play, giggle, and their amazing little personality will shine. It can be quite difficult to gauge when this sitting up stage will happen. It’s usually around 7- 9 months. I am more than happy for you book your baby in for this session and guesstimate when this milestone will happen. I can reschedule your baby’s photoshoot if they aren’t quite sitting on the day you’ve booked. Once they start to crawl, then it’s a whole different ball game, but masses of fun.

young baby sitting up playing with a white moose toy

Crawlers, is a much more used term in everyday language. It’s the stage when your baby learns to crawl. Whether they are bum shufflers, commando-crawlers, bottom-scooters, or crab-crawlers, it’s wonderful to have photographs of when your baby became mobile. Your life will never be the same again. And that bit on the front page of my website that says that a photo session with Mabel & Møøse becomes slightly untrue. We will all be exhausted from chasing your little crawler around, but you’ll have heaps of fun with your baby and you’ll remember the day for ever.

baby girl crawling in a white room

Client Wardrobe is not referring to a piece of furniture in the corner of your photographer’s studio, it’s the term used for the collection of clothes photographers buy, so as you don’t need to have the stress of choosing the perfect, photo-ready outfit

Often why looks fabulous in a photograph isn’t what you would choose to wear normally. I take into account what will be comfortable (you may still be great feeding your baby), flattering and will not distract from your baby. I have a small selection (in every size) of carefully curated tops and dresses and you are welcome to borrow those during your baby’s photoshoot. 

dressed in a white dress holding a baby in a white outfit

Baby Wardrobe, is a vast and ever growing selection of the cutest baby outfits that I obsessively buy. I can’t resists a white linen romper or a soft woollen baby sweater. You can choose whatever you love for your baby to wear. 

neautral coloured baby jumper hanging in a rack of baby clothes

Reveal Session is when you and your partner come back to see your baby’s photographs. It’s so exciting to see just how adorable and perfect you little human is. You’ll be treated to a magical slideshow and a wide selection of beautiful photographs will be ready for you to look at. They will have been professionally edited and printed and will be displayed in lush white mounts. You will be able to select your favourite photograph, the one that’s included in your initial session fee, and any others that you would like to have, can be purchased. 

framed baby photographs on a wall gallery
white box that says mabel and moose with white mounted baby photographs

Wall Art and Wall Portraits are terms much used by photographers. They are simply describing a photograph that is mounted in such a way that it can be displayed on a wall in your home. This can mean anything from a frame with one or more photographs mounted in the frame, to a photograph that’s printed directly onto metal, canvas, wood, acrylic, glass etc. 

Collages usually refer to several images in the one frame, or several pieces of wall art that are designed to be displayed as a set. 

wall art 4 pictures of a baby displayed on a white wall

First Birthday Photoshoot is pretty self explanatory. This can be a very simple natural session, where you baby plays with wooden toys and a little wooden cake or you might want to choose a studio that offers a full blown Cake-Smash. This involves a messy cake, and lots of sugary icing. At Mabel & Møøse we use the natural option and you can read all about it on my First Birthday page. 

baby with 1st birthday crown palyinh with a wooden birthday cake and cake stand

Sibling Session is when an older brother or sister is photographed with your baby. These really are beautiful images that capture the love between your children. During a sibling session I will always try to get a few portraits if your older child on their own while they are playing with some of the studio toys. 

Toddler playing with wooden bricks
toddler coddling a newborn baby

Family photos are so important. They are your legacy and your childrens’ history. Your gallery will always include photos with your baby and each parent and with both parents. if there are older siblings at the photo session then they will be included in the family photographs and in pictures with your newest baby.

mum dad and toddler looking at newborn baby

If you love my Scandi-syle of baby photography and are ready to book a photoshoot for your baby then click the button below.


Let’s Talk About Digital Files….


How Should I Dress My Baby For A Newborn Photoshoot…….