Photographing a 3 month old baby
You may well have had your newborn photographed a few days after your baby was born and want to record this next stage in their development. Maybe circumstances meant you missed newborn portraits but a 3-month-old baby is still very much a tiny baby and I adore photographing them.
Your baby's amazing personality will be starting to shine through. They are just so cute at this stage. I am always amazed how a 3-month old can look so different in the same gallery of photos.
If they are swaddled and sleeping, they look so much younger than eyes wide open and smiling. It's a great age to bring them to the studio. All my sessions are totally baby-led which means that I take my cue from your baby. That means that if your baby is tired and needs to nap, then they nap.
If they are hungry then we stop until they have been fed. And when they want to be entertained and play then that's just what we do. I say "we", because YOU will be very much a part of the session.
Your little one will be looking around for you and they need to feel that you are right there beside them. And it's important to be photographed with your baby because that's the photographs that will be so important to your child when they are older.
You will have an amazing experience watching as I take your baby's photographs and you'll be right there beside them to hold their tiny hand stroke their hair whenever they need you (or whenever you need them)

How many photographs will be taken at our baby photo session?
You can expect to choose from 15-30 beautiful unique portraits which are available to purchase either individually or as part of a print or wall art collection. I always give a choice of colour and black and white portraits and they all work well together as a collection.